1. Hon. Anandraj Ambedkar- Chairman
  2. Shri. Sanjeev Boudhankar – Secretary
  3. Prof. Dr. Ashok Sunatkari-Principal as Member-Secretary of the Committee
  4. HOD nominated by the Principal
  5. Dr. Vijay N. Pawar – Teacher (Elected/nominated)
  6. Dr Valmik V. Garje -Teacher (Elected/nominated)
  7. Dr Sunita P. Gaikwad – Teacher (Elected/nominated)
  8. Shri Sakharam V. Zore- Non-teaching (Elected/nominated)
  9. Adv. Sangharaj Rupwate (External from Industry, education, research, social work)
  10. Shri Ashok Kale (External from Industry, education, research, social work)
  11. Mr. Hemant Patil (Industrialist)
  12. President of Students Council
  13. Secretary of Students Council